Deep is the sound, felt in your body
Hear the call, sensations under your skin
Stirring movement in knowing self
Calling upon ancestors, gods, spirit, time and space
Knowing does not belong to you alone
Deep in the earth, the call vibrates
Felt under the feet of those before.
Fanua with its own life forces and flows
Regenerates new life with old.
Knowledge has constraints, unlike the wisdom of fanua
Deep is the breath you take to blow.
The winds around you, share in your breath
To fill your lungs, give life to your blood and brain
Breathe in your knowing, breathe out your wisdom
Generate understanding
Deep are the waters of Oceania
Ili le pū, another voice calls
Waves of unrest, spirit unsettled
Our Oceania is dying, listen to the call
Knowledge has constraints, Oceania speaks
Knowing does not belong to you alone