Truth tellingThe truth telling tyrants Tell their truth To them Their theories Their timeless tales Their theologies Their technology Their tragedies...
TagaloaFall on me shadows of the past, to bend the straight lines that I see. Lines that cut, sever, divide; the power of agency. Whisper your...
Thinkingknowledge is the pursuit of life, and thinking belongs to human knowledge is the pursuit of life, and thinking belongs to all.
My grandfather’s feetI have been told that I have my grandfather's feet, which makes my family laugh. Wide and unflattering. Masculine looking; an odd fit for...
Ili le pū – Hear the call of the conchDeep is the sound, felt in your body Hear the call, sensations under your skin Stirring movement in knowing self Calling upon ancestors,...
my placeI was born in a place where the long white cloud, Clouds the division between heaven and earth. Where the earth meets the shores of the...
Weaving Te WhārikiMy hands grasping flax, harakeke The movement of weaving, present-past a folding of time and space, Our hands, sensing threads our bodies...
Priority learner.I’m a priority – that’s what I’m told, From the time, my mother held me in her arms, my father on his shoulders I stood, always trying to...
Ask me about my thesis and this is what I'll say...Is power in knowledge to echo the known? What place is research in Pacific knowing? Pasifika education; a product of political deficit...
Sitting in a hotel roomSitting in a hotel room in the Pacific feeling somewhat artificial to the ways of being and connecting as my forefathers had many years...